Alliance Crowning Prince
Breeding fees: Inquire for stud fee
If you have interest about breeding by this stallion, please contact us
Prince can breed:
AMHA/AMHR/miniature horses
Keuring point in Czech Republics : 8,6 point , A most from all AMHA stallions in Czech Republic
Half brother from mum side of Alliance Boleros Karina- successful european horse
Birth: USA 2010
Color : Palomino / silver gen
High : 33 ,5 inch
ACAN dwarf test N / N
D1, D2, D3, D4: negative
He won all his 4 classes in his first show and moreover he added 4 x Grands and Supreme Champion.
His success continued through whole the year and in the end he added 3rd place in the AMHA Honor Roll -Amateur Stallion under 32 inches.
Thanks so much Mike and Terry from the Alliance for this wonderful stallion!
Top ten
Prince was chosen to TOP 10 in stallion photo competition which was run in Europa - Miniature Horse Magazine.
Europe Magazine found 20 independent people to judge 70 photos of stallions : Arabian judges, big horse owners and people who have never owned a horse of any type or breed.
We are very proud on him !
EUROPA miniature Horse Magazine , leden 2015
Show results
2011 AMHA European Regional Championship Show
Netherlands / De Mortel, 20.-21 st. August 2011
Judges USA: Mrs. Sarah Runyan, Mr. Jon Wolf and Mr. Sid Hutchcraft
European Reserve Champion AOTE Junior Stallions
European Reserve Champion Amateur Junior Stallions
TOP 10 ( 5.place ) European Open Yearling Stallons over 30 - 32 inch
2011 Extravaganza ICAMH International show AMHA/ AMHR
Netherlands / De Mortel, 11.-13 rd June 2011
Judge: Mrs. Leslie K. Connor ( USA)
Champion AOTE junior stallion AMHA
Champion AMHA Amateur junior stallion
Champion AMHR division A, junior stallions 33 and under
Reserve Champion AMHA Open yearling stallons 30 -32 inch .
Reserve Grand Champion AMHA Amateur stallion
Grand Champion stallion AMHR division A
2011 MHCE French International Open
France/ Le Touquet , 28.-29 May 2011
Judge: Ms.Judith K Warner ( USA)
First show in his life !
Champion MHCE Amateur yearling stallions L 2
Champion AOTE yearling stallions
Champion MHCE yearling colts 30 - 32 inch .
Champion AMH yearling colts 30 - 32 inch
Grand Champion Amateur L 2
Grand Champion AOTE
Grand Champion MHCE junior colts & geldings
Grand Champion AMH junior colts & geldings

His father First Knights Triple Crown is a Multiple Supreme Halter Horse and his father is famous FIRST KNIGHTS BIT O HOT SHOT , which is WORLD GRAND CHAMPION JUNIOR STALLIONS.
His Dam Impressibles Mello Yellow is a direct daughter of Little Kings Black Velvet, one of the best sons of Buckeroo. Black Velvet is a Top Futurity Sire and the sire of Multiple World Champions and multiple World Grand Champions.